Trunk or Treat

October 29, 2022 4:30 - 6:30pm  |  Kraine Meadow Park

Kraine Meadow Park, Playground Drive, Moultonborough, NH, USA

This year Moultonboro UMC is partnering up with the Moultonborough Recreation Department & Moultonborough Public Library to bring an even more fun and even m0re engaging community event. After our success last year we were asked if we wanted to partner with the Moultonborough Recreation Department and welcomed the opportunity to make this years Trunk or Treat an even bigger success with greater community participation. When we initially sat down with the Rec. Department they asked us if we would be against a change in venue to Kraine Meadow Park, we welcomed the change as a potential way to reach out to more people in our community.

Join Us along with our Community Partners for a safe community based Trunk or Treat. We’ll have lots of trunks decorated and candy being handed out to all of our trick or treaters. There will also being food, hot chocolate, a costume contest and a lot more!