Welcome to Moultonboro UMC
We are a life-giving church with a mission to make disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world.
We are committed to helping people grow in their faith in Christ; to care for the needs of those in the Lakes Region and beyond as we make disciples and live the Word of God.
Our History
1839 Methodists hold prayer meetings. Then services at the Town House with the Rev. J. S.. Loveland.
1840 Formal Organization
1843 Built a small church where Maurice’s Restaurant now stands.
1849 Bought the Congregational Church, which had been built next to the Town House, moved to present location.
1905 Memorial stained glass windows installed.
1926 Parsonage, Church, and Horse Shed shingled; hardwood floors installed in the sanctuary and vestibule; 14 new pews installed.
1952 Major repairs to the vestry, kitchen, and outside of the church.
1954 Bean suppers started.
1958 Vestry extended, new heating and flush toilets installed.
1985 Sanctuary enlarged over the back part of vestry and new 3 story wing added on the right side of church.
1988 A new electronic organ installed.
1990 Reached out in Mission to help support Dr. Mark Zimmerman in Nepal. Went to two services.
1992 The church purchased 1.37 acres of land in back of Artie’s for additional parking.
1993 Decision made to build a new parsonage on Blake Road property.
1995 Church voted to purchase the adjacent Holden property for expansion. It was made possible through a generous bequest from Harold Mohr’s Estate.
1996 Sold old parsonage. Burned mortgage from building new parsonage.
1997 Expansion of Sanctuary and major renovations of the Fellowship Hall, etc.
1999 Changed from a pastor oriented church to a program oriented church.
2002 A Shepherd’s Crook with the names of all clergy who have served MUMC was presented to the new pastor and will be passed on to each